Following a brief beta test with no negative feedback, I’ve now released the app into the live environment on the Google Play store.
The Android app has all the features of the iOS app. It’s not been optimised for tablet use as yet, that’s something I’ll look at after the next iOS release.
If you find the app useful, please rate it/review it in the store, if you have any problems with the app please submit problem reports through the Contact Us page. I can’t really help with problems outside the app such as devices not responding to SMS messages etc… If your device uses an SMS message format or features not available in one of the current device types in the app, please let me know and, if at all possible, include a link to the manual for your device.
It took a while but it got there in the end !
I’ve submitted the first version of the Android app to the Play Store for beta testing. I’ve tested the app myself but I only have a single Android device to test with so feedback, both positive and negative from the beta testers is encouraged.
Please make sure any results from the beta test are accompanied by your Android device details as well – Model, Android version and so on. The more information I have the quicker I can resolve any issues.
This is my first Android project so please be gentle with me…
All those that have contacted me previously regarding an Android version of the app should receive an invitation email from Google in the next 24 hours. If you’d like to sign up for beta testing use the contact form or leave a comment on this post.
I’ve managed to get some more time to work on the Android app this last week or so and made some real progress. It’s very close to being ready for beta test now with just one more settings page to complete.
The bulk of the work has gone into the map view handling from both the main screen and the saved stockades screen. The app now passes all the unit tests I’ve created for these so I can now move onto the last two outstanding items.
All those that have requested beta access or expressed an interest in the Android version will be notified as soon as it is available for testing. I’d anticipate the app being made publicly available within a couple of weeks of the beta test starting, providing feedback is favourable !
iOS/Android app to control GPS SMS Trackers